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Pau Ferro

Autor Nachricht
Verfasst am: 12. 06. 2007 [20:04]
Dabei seit: 12.06.2007
Beiträge: 79
Me again :D

Although the rest of my rig is really poor, my guitar is custommade and a real masterpiece.
It was built 2 years ago, and some things have changed influencing the needs I have regarding my guitar, and so a new custom guitar is in planning.

I heard great things about Pau Ferro as a neck wood from many sources (including Siggi Braun's website) and I was wondering if it really pays to invest in it, or if it doesn't offer enough Quality for the money :?:
And which body and fretboard woods go well with it :?:
Verfasst am: 12. 06. 2007 [20:39]
Dabei seit: 01.01.1970
Beiträge: 59
Hey Ruben,

Pau Ferro is worth every penny!
The only problem is - if you start with it, you want more of it.
And its expensive, yes.
I would advise you to compare 2 guitars that are nearly the same except the neck - i think you can do this at siggi's coustom shop (if that is within reach of you ?)
Rosewood will go along with it as fingerboard, as well as Pau Ferro itself.

I love my Pau Ferro Neck !!!

regards Bernd.

Forum Administrator/Webmaster
Verfasst am: 12. 06. 2007 [20:45]
Dabei seit: 12.06.2007
Beiträge: 79
Thanks, but no, siggi Braun's shop is far away from where I live, and right now I'm in the US, so that will be difficult...

and I plan it for a Neck-Thru Construction, so I would need one large piece of it :?

And do you have recommendations for the "sides" of the body, regarding wood :?:


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