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Written on: 12. 06. 2007 [19:54]
Topic creator
registered since: 12.06.2007
Posts: 79
I'm just gonna go ahead and post this in the english section since it's blank so far.

I am wanting to know more about Cabinetts and Speakers in general, what I have to be on the lookout for when I buy them
and what speaker type (regarding my entry in the german equipment section) would go well with ampmodelling etc.
and since some already have Cabinett simulations integrated how does the choice of speakers affect the sound :?:
Written on: 25. 11. 2007 [20:00]
registered since: 20.03.2007
Posts: 437
This is a good question.
In generall the best speaker for Ampmodelling is one that doesn't "Colour" the Sound in any way, which means it should be linear like Studio or PA Speakers.
If you put your amp modelling device directly into a live mixer, than this sould provide the desired sound.

But: Devices Like the Pod XT Live offer you a Choice - you can adjust the output signal to fit different needs. For example, if you select "Combo Front" in the output section, PodXT will adjust the sound that you get the best results if you play into a standard Combo input. It does NOT switch off the Speaker Sim, but alters it to work with the setup you like.
Anyway, I found out that even podXT sounds best if played into a Tube Power amp and a real Guitarspeaker - but this is a Matter of Taste and of what you expect from your Sound.

The Function to alter the output signal is really great, when you don't know what equipment you use on a specific gig (like Competitions, rehersals, or when you sub for someone etc).

I hope that does answer ypur question (at last...)

As for "What is the right speaker for me" - you gonna have to find out yourself. For me, it's the eminence speakers in my Kulik Design Cabinetts.

Best regards Bernd.

Bernd Kiltz
Site Admin

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